To Post or Not To Post? Multiculturalism in the Social Media

This OPS examines recent development in the social media sphere and its impact on the Singapore Malay/Muslim community and the inter-ethnic relations as a whole. This paper is based on an edited transcription of papers delivered during the Community in Review 2012 seminar by the same titled held on 10 March 2012.

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Keadaan Sosiologi Masyarakat Melayu

This paper is an edited translation of a lecture delivered by Dr Syed Farid Alatas in English entitled “The State of Malay Sociology in Singapore” on 18 November 1995 organized by the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP).

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Self-Help and National Integration

This paper is an edited transciption of the proceedings of a seminar by the same title on 10 June 1995 at the National University of Singapore. The seminar speakers examined the role of self-help groups and their impact on national integration, reviewed the pros and cons of the ethnic self-help approach vis-à-vis multi-racialism in Singapore and debated the future of self-help groups in Singapore.

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The New Malay: His Role and Future

This paper is a transcription of a lecture delivered by Professor Syed Hussein Alatas on 21 January 1995 at the National University of Singapore. The concept of “Melayu Baru” or “New Malay” gained prominence at a time when the Singapore Malay society is entering a new phase of development. But what does the concept of the “New Malay” mean?

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The Future of Civil Society in Singapore

This paper is an edited transcription of the proceedings of a seminar by the same title on 4 May 1996 at the Boulevard Hotel Singapore organized by the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), Singapore.

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Factors Affecting Malay/Muslim Pupils’ Performance in Education

This paper is a revision of an earlier draft that was presented at a seminar organized by the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) on 10 December 1994 at Royal Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel, Singapore. This paper presents the findings of a research study on factors affecting Malay/Muslim pupils’ performance in education.

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