Occasional Paper Series No. 1-2012
by Assistant Professor Eugene KB Tan, Associate Professor Cherian George, Assistant Professor Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir and Mr Zaqy Mohamad, MP
Published: May 2012
ISBN 978-981-07-2023-0 (print); ISBN 978-981-07-2025-4 (digitised)
This OPS examines recent development in the social media sphere and its impact on the Singapore Malay/Muslim community and the inter-ethnic relations as a whole. This paper is based on an edited transcription of papers delivered during the Community in Review 2012 seminar by the same titled held on 10 March 2012.
Irresponsible Speech and Web 2.0: Law’s Limitations in the Digital Age by Assistant Professor Eugene KB Tan
Racial and Religious Offence: Why Censorship Doesn’t Cut It by Associate Professor Cherian George
Malay Youth, Subcultures and Multimedia by Assistant Professor Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir
Connecting Virtual Voices by Mr Zaqy Mohamad, MP
Read it here: To Post or Not to Post, Multiculturalism in the Social Media
To purchase, please email to enquiry@rima.sg. Also available at the national library.