by Professor John Esposito, Dr Karim Douglas Crow and Dr Luthfie Assyaukanie
Published: March 2009
ISBN: 978-981-08-2589-8
Based on an edited transcription of papers delivered in public seminars organized between 2004 and 2007, RIMA Occasional Paper Series No.7 focusses at key issues around social reconstruction pertaining in Malay/Muslim community in Singapore
Prof Esposito explores the prevailing landscape of the community aftermath the episode of September 11. Dr Crow identified the shortcomings that the Muslim/Malay community suffers in facing the modern world. He argues that this hindrance to the social reconstruction process is due to the present-day crisis in Islamic thought. Lastly, Dr Assyaukanie gives a historical account of the contemporary Islamic reform movement who had been successful to a certain extent in their attempt of reconstructing the Muslim world.
Read it here: Challenges of Social Reconstruction in the Muslim World
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